A day of legend
Un jour de légende, salle Richelieu of the Comédie française From noon to midnight with La Légende des siècles from Victor Hugo read by the troop of the Comédie-Française. broadcast live on France Culture. Litterature adviser : Claude Millet ; Coordination : Alain Pralon
In the foreword of this immense creation, written during more than 30 years, Victor Hugo declared : " As we will see, the author, narrating mankind, does not isolate it from its terrestrial surrounding. He mixes sometimes to man, he strikes the human soul, in order to retitute its true sound, these beings different from man that we name animals, things, still life, and who fill who knows which fatal role in the vertiginous equilibrium of the creation. So is this book. The author offers it to the public without dissimulationg its profound insufficiency. It is an attempt towards ideal. Nothing more."
La Légende des siècles is an epic in fragments, a story in ruins. Paradoxically, it opens also towards the future, where "generous forgetting". Divided into five sequences of which the reading will spread between 2pm and midnight on October 20th, this unique representation inaugurates a new collaboration between IRCAM and Comédie Française, original alliance between two institutions with radically different histories. This collaboration accompanies the launch of a "Live Performances" department in IRCAM, created to transfer the technological knowhow developed in musical contexts to the arts of the stage, cinema and plastical installation.
So, the last sequence of the reading, entitled "Tout le passé et tout l'avenir", will be conducted by Marcel Bozonnet and Jean-Pierre Jourdain and will introduce an original sound scenography, realised in IRCAM by Olivier Pasquet, based on the processing of the actor's voices and on sound spatialisation.
Date : Sunday, October 20 2002
Location : Comédie Française - Salle Richelieu, Place Colette, 75001 Paris
Schedule : beginning of the reading at 2pm ; beginning of the sequence "Tout le passé et l'avenir" at 9pm
Fees : Intégral reading : 60-45-20-15 € ; per session : 15-12-7,5-5 €
Reservations : 01 44 58 15 15
In partnership with IRCAM in the frame of Résonances 2002, Ars longa, Glaz'art, M.E.S.I and Old School have prepared an evening dedicated to live électronic and analogic performances, at the crossroads of sound, image and gesture.
Atau Tanaka and Cécile Babiole
Américan originated from Japan, Atau Tanaka develops multimedia performances where movements of his forearms generate music and images. Live with the famous 3D and multimedia artist Cécile Babiole.
Duo composed of Rimshot and Dragongaz. Live machine which leaves a great latitude for improvisation. Breakbeat, jungle, tekno sounds are mixed live. French touch, Paris brand.
Proto-Type Live
Musical dialogue between instruments and real time electronics.
Pascal Gutman (Stick Chapman)
Benjamin Moroy (percussions)
Vincent Grusson (Trumpet)
Cyrille Brissot (Realtime electronics with MAX MSP)
Elektronik from Berlin in a suitcase
Co-founder of Ultra Orange in 1994. He will keep you upbeat with his special Drum'n'Bass mix.
Analogic Workshop
Come and play with the fabulous machines of the past, and the future.
Date : Wednesday, October 16 2002
Time : 20h30 till 02h00
Fee : 8€
Tube : Porte de la Vilette