n Friday October 18, the Cité de la Musique proposes a day of analysis based on the theme Information and Musical Documentation for Music Lovers
Since the end of the 19th century, a succession of technological developments has profoundly changed our approach to music. The popular success of the record made music a daily reality, and advances in digital technology liberated listening. At the beginning of the 90s, multimedia and the Internet multiplied the availability of services (buying, listening, researching, reading, analyzing) and invented new ways of interacting with and approaching music. In this spirit, information and music documentation centres (Internet, libraries, multimedia libraries, etc.) are starting to offer research and analysis tools which allow music lovers to acquire knowledge, satisfy their curiosity, and refine their musical tastes.
However, to effectively accompany music lovers in their cultural voyage and to come closer to their needs, more input must be forthcoming from the sectors of sociology, musicology, cognitive science, and computer science.
This day of analysis and encounters, based on the respective expertises of these diverse disciplines, proposes to reflect on the adequacy of information and musical documentation for the user - the music lover.
Date : Friday, October 18, 10:00am to 06:00pm
Location : Amphitheatre, Cité de la Musique
Price : 16€. Reservations : 01 44 84 46 46
Event broadcast live at IRCAM.