The Musical Perception and Cognition Team studies the way in which we perceive sounds, and more precisely, musical sound. To accomplish this, physiological, sensory, and mental mechanisms are explored using an experimental approach developped in the laboratory and in concert situations with human listeners. The team's projects are divided between fundamental research (psychophysics, cognitive psychology, sound processing, neuroscience), and practical applications in the areas of ergonomy and quality.
The principal themes concern fundamental processes and mechanisms, the analysis of auditory spaces, musical cognition, the quality of sound ergonomies, and the development of data and experimental data analysis tools.
Areas of Expertise
Auditory perception, psychoacoustics, experimental psychology, musical cognition, statistical analysis, sound quality.
Université de Bourgogne, Université Paris IV, Université Paris V, ENSTA, LENA-CNRS, Hôpital de la Salpêtrière , PSA Peugeot-Citroën, 01dB, France Télécom R&D, Hyptique, San Diego University (California), Stanford University (California), Helsinki University,INSERM U280, Lyon
Team Members
Projects Manager :Stephen McAdams
Engineers and researchers :Mondher Ayari, Emmanuel Bigand, Alain de Cheveigné, Daniel Pressnitzer, Bennett Smith, Patrick Susini
Guest researchers : Cécile Marin, Sandrine Vieillard, Suzanne Winsberg
Technician and administrator : Gérard Bertrand
Doctoral students : Anne Caclin, Olivier Houix, Guillaume Lemaître, Jérémy Marozeau