he IRCAM Forum started in September 1993 and today gathers more than a thousand users around the world. Its activities are related to 3 topics : Computer Aided Composition (software : OpenMusic), Sound Design (software : AudioSculpt, Diphone and Modalys) and Real-Time Resonance (software : jMax and Max/MSP applications for sound synthesis, processing and spatialization (Spat)).
Workshops organized during Resonance will emphasize contacts and exchanges between musicians, artists and developers. Forum members will be invited to present their own work and toshare their experiences. The IRCAM Forum team will provide advice and assistance throughout the workshops.
Conferences in French with simultaneous translation
Location : IRCAM, Espace de Projection, Salle Igor Stravinsky and Studio 5
Date : October 16-18, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The programme of the previous Forum workshops (April 2002)
To register, click here
Wednesday October 16, Stravinsky Hall
Wednesday October 16th, Studio 5
Thursday October 17th, Stravinsky Hall
Thursday October 17th, Studio 5
Friday October 18th, Stravinsky Hall
Friday October 18th, Studio 5
Friday October 18th, Nono Room